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8 forms of capital active hope adaptation agroecology agroforestry alder buckthorn Amazon anxiety apples art arthritis autumn Autumn equinox award back yard beans Bec Hellouin beech tree bees beneficial berries biochar biodigester biodiversity blackberries blackthorn book review brain brassica cage budget build building campesino capital card deck Celtic festivals change changes chemical-free chickens christmas circular city farm clay pot cleansers cleansing milks climate change climate chaos climate collapse climate emergency climate grief climate solutions climbers climbing cob comfrey communities community Community Nature Network community projects compost compost teas connection consciousness conservation container cooking coppice coppicing cordial cosmology courgettes crafts creativity crisis crop protection Cross Quarter Festival cultural emergence culture cut flowers cycles degraded design diary diversity DIY do it yourself Donella Meadows drought dryland earth care earth's cycles Earth's energy earths cycles ecoculture ecological emergency economics ecopoetry ecosystem ecosystem restoration camps ecosystems edges edible edible flowers education efficiency elder elderflowers elements elixir emergence energy equinox ethics face mask fair shares Fairtrade farming farms feedback feminine ferns figs film firewood floristry flower essence flower garden flowers food food forest food garden footbath forage foraging forest garden forest gardening forests fruit fruit leather fruit trees full moon funding fungi future future care gardening gardens garlic gift economy gin Give Nature a voice Glennie Kindred global poverty glut grapes grassroots green space greenhouse grief groundcover grow grow food grow your own growing guilds habitat habits handcream harvest harvests hawthorn hazel hazelnut healing shrubs healing trees health healthy soil heart health hedgerow hedging herbal herbal remedies herbal teas herbalist herbs holistic holistic planned grazing home homeless homemade wine homestead hope Hugelkultur humanure hummus hungry gap IBC tanks Imbolc incense increase yields Indigenous indigenous knowledge inexpensive influence inspiration International Womens Day jam keyline kingfisher kitchen garden lacto-fermentation Lammas land landscape landscapes leaf mould leverage points life lifestyle limeflowers livelihood livestock living labs logs Looby Macnamara lotion low cost low-impact Lush Spring Prize macerations Manda Scott Mangwende Orphan Care Trust market garden market gardening marmalade marshmallow mass heater meadowsweet medicinal micro microbes microfarm Midwest Permaculture mimic mindset mitigation money moon phases Morag Gamble moringa Mother Earth movement mulch multifunctional mushrooms native plants natural natural building natural fertiliser natural skincare natural swimming pool nature nature connection nitrogen no dig no waste no-dig north-facing novel November nutrition nuts observe oca October off-grid oil cleansing Open Shell Farm orchard orchards organic organic flowers organic gardening outdoor shower oven oxymel oyster pallets pasture-fed patterns peat-free people people care peoplecare perennials permaculture permaculture design permaculture magazine award permaculture projects permaculture week permaculutre permayouth pesto pests philippines pine tree pips pizza oven plant profile plants pollinators pollution polyculture polycultures positive change preserving principles propagating protection pruning prunings psycho-spiritual awareness psychospiritual transformation rainforest rainwater raspberries recipe recipes reduce reed beds regeneration regenerative regenerative agriculture relative location relative matter remedy renewable renewable energy resilient resources restoration reuse revolution rhythms rootstock rootstocks roundhouse roundwood runner beans Rupert Read sage salad salads salve Samhain schools Scotland scotts pine seasonal seasons seeds selfcare Sepp Holzer september septic tanks sewage treatment shade shamanism sheet mulching shrubs silvopasture skincare sloes slugs small solutions small-scale smallholding social justice soil health solar solstice solutions sowing spiritual spring squash stacking functions stock-free straw straw bale summer support sustainable Swayyam Sweet Bay syntropic systems temperate terraces thistles thrutopia timber timber framing tincture tonic toolkit tools transformation Transformative Adaptation trees upcycle urban urban farm urban gardening veg garden vegan veganic vermicomposting vinegar visionaries walnuts waste water water cleansing watering weeds wellbeing wetland wild edges wild food wild garlic wildflower wildlife wine recipes wings winter winter greens winter salads winter solstice wisdom wood stove woodburner woodland woodland management woodlands world is possible worms yarrow year round year-round food yield young people youth zai pits zone 00 zoning


8 forms of capital active hope adaptation agroecology agroforestry alder buckthorn Amazon anxiety apples art arthritis autumn Autumn equinox award back yard beans Bec Hellouin beech tree bees beneficial berries biochar biodigester biodiversity blackberries blackthorn book review brain brassica cage budget build building campesino capital card deck Celtic festivals change changes chemical-free chickens christmas circular city farm clay pot cleansers cleansing milks climate change climate chaos climate collapse climate emergency climate grief climate solutions climbers climbing cob comfrey communities community Community Nature Network community projects compost compost teas connection consciousness conservation container cooking coppice coppicing cordial cosmology courgettes crafts creativity crisis crop protection Cross Quarter Festival cultural emergence culture cut flowers cycles degraded design diary diversity DIY do it yourself Donella Meadows drought dryland earth care earth's cycles Earth's energy earths cycles ecoculture ecological emergency economics ecopoetry ecosystem ecosystem restoration camps ecosystems edges edible edible flowers education efficiency elder elderflowers elements elixir emergence energy equinox ethics face mask fair shares Fairtrade farming farms feedback feminine ferns figs film firewood floristry flower essence flower garden flowers food food forest food garden footbath forage foraging forest garden forest gardening forests fruit fruit leather fruit trees full moon funding fungi future future care gardening gardens garlic gift economy gin Give Nature a voice Glennie Kindred global poverty glut grapes grassroots green space greenhouse grief groundcover grow grow food grow your own growing guilds habitat habits handcream harvest harvests hawthorn hazel hazelnut healing shrubs healing trees health healthy soil heart health hedgerow hedging herbal herbal remedies herbal teas herbalist herbs holistic holistic planned grazing home homeless homemade wine homestead hope Hugelkultur humanure hummus hungry gap IBC tanks Imbolc incense increase yields Indigenous indigenous knowledge inexpensive influence inspiration International Womens Day jam keyline kingfisher kitchen garden lacto-fermentation Lammas land landscape landscapes leaf mould leverage points life lifestyle limeflowers livelihood livestock living labs logs Looby Macnamara lotion low cost low-impact Lush Spring Prize macerations Manda Scott Mangwende Orphan Care Trust market garden market gardening marmalade marshmallow mass heater meadowsweet medicinal micro microbes microfarm Midwest Permaculture mimic mindset mitigation money moon phases Morag Gamble moringa Mother Earth movement mulch multifunctional mushrooms native plants natural natural building natural fertiliser natural skincare natural swimming pool nature nature connection nitrogen no dig no waste no-dig north-facing novel November nutrition nuts observe oca October off-grid oil cleansing Open Shell Farm orchard orchards organic organic flowers organic gardening outdoor shower oven oxymel oyster pallets pasture-fed patterns peat-free people people care peoplecare perennials permaculture permaculture design permaculture magazine award permaculture projects permaculture week permaculutre permayouth pesto pests philippines pine tree pips pizza oven plant profile plants pollinators pollution polyculture polycultures positive change preserving principles propagating protection pruning prunings psycho-spiritual awareness psychospiritual transformation rainforest rainwater raspberries recipe recipes reduce reed beds regeneration regenerative regenerative agriculture relative location relative matter remedy renewable renewable energy resilient resources restoration reuse revolution rhythms rootstock rootstocks roundhouse roundwood runner beans Rupert Read sage salad salads salve Samhain schools Scotland scotts pine seasonal seasons seeds selfcare Sepp Holzer september septic tanks sewage treatment shade shamanism sheet mulching shrubs silvopasture skincare sloes slugs small solutions small-scale smallholding social justice soil health solar solstice solutions sowing spiritual spring squash stacking functions stock-free straw straw bale summer support sustainable Swayyam Sweet Bay syntropic systems temperate terraces thistles thrutopia timber timber framing tincture tonic toolkit tools transformation Transformative Adaptation trees upcycle urban urban farm urban gardening veg garden vegan veganic vermicomposting vinegar visionaries walnuts waste water water cleansing watering weeds wellbeing wetland wild edges wild food wild garlic wildflower wildlife wine recipes wings winter winter greens winter salads winter solstice wisdom wood stove woodburner woodland woodland management woodlands world is possible worms yarrow year round year-round food yield young people youth zai pits zone 00 zoning

Permaculture Magazine Award – Judges

About the judges

For 2024

Morag Gamble is an award-winning global permaculture educator, ambassador, speaker, YouTuber, podcaster, writer, mentor, and trust-based philanthropist. She is the Founder of the Permaculture Education Institute, curates the Our Permaculture Life blog and YouTube, leads the Ethos Foundation permaculture charity, and hosts the Sense-Making in a Changing World Podcast, plus monthly Permaculture Film Club and Permaculture Masterclass series. Morag also mentors Permayouth, the Ethos Fellowship (university without walls) and enjoys life in her ecovillage home on Gubbi Gubbi country in Australia.


Maria Paez is the International Coordinator at the Permaculture Association Britain (PAB), where she connects with global permaculture leaders to understand their needs and aspirations. Her work involves providing tailored responses to permaculture projects, practitioners and enthusiasts who contact PAB seeking support. This includes learning about diverse realities and challenges faced in various parts of the world, with a current focus on the Global South, where the majority of requests originate. Maria is developing a permaculture directory and a global strategic map in collaboration with the CoLab which will enhance the visibility of the global movement. She has recently launched an International Permaculture Survey to explore opportunities and challenges within the movement, offering a snapshot of trends and insights. This valuable data will help national and local organisations to pinpoint their own priorities while also identifying potential partnerships and knowledge-sharing opportunities.


Growing up in a permaculture ecovillage, Maia Raymond has been engaged in the permaculture world since she could talk. As an accredited permaculture designer and teacher and Warm Data Host, Maia is the co-founder of Permayouth, which has been engaging young people in [pr]activism around the world for five years. She is currently studying a Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the Australian National University – exploring how we can interact with our societies in an ecologically and culturally integrated way.


Kayode Olafimihan is the chair of the London Permaculture Network. He organises the annual London Permaculture Festival, founded Permablitz London and has established a permaculture LAND project at Cecil Sharp House, headquarters of the English Folk Dance and Song Society in London.



Andrew Zionts Abrams is a Permaculturist, designer, entrepreneur, teacher, facilitator and philanthropist and perhaps most importantly, an earth steward. Since 2014 Andrew has been a steward of Catalina where he lives on deforested steep slopes in the province of Cádiz, in Andalucia, Spain. Restoring the functionality of the ecosystem, this is a permaculture sanctuary where he’s designed and implemented a zero-runoff water retention landscape and reforestation project. In 2017 Andrew co-founded Abundant Earth Foundation, with a vision of equitable future care within the international Permaculture community. The foundation aims to pool support for grass-roots permaculture initiatives in places where resources are systemically scarce, and a little input can leverage major impact.


Rozie Apps is Assistant Editor at Permaculture magazine and Permanent Publications.

In previous years

Anthony Rodale, a photographer, advocate for sustainability, and endurance athlete, has spent years travelling the world visiting sustainable, and organic farms, learning about their successful practices in soil regeneration, crop production, plant diversity, carbon sequestration, economic viability, food security and community health. This Spring, Anthony will be taking on a new leadership role as Board Chair for the Sustainable Food Trust. He has been President of the Sustainable Food Alliance since 2011. Before that served on other Boards such as the Rainforest Alliance, Friends of the Soil Association, and Board Chair of the Rodale Institute in Pennsylvania. In 1996 completed the Permaculture design course with Bill Mollison.

©Benedict Evans

John D. Liu is a renowned filmmaker. He made the documentaries Green Gold, Prix Italia award winner, and Hope in a Changing Climate, named the best ecological film at the International Wildlife Film Festival. He recently founded the Ecosystem Restoration Foundation.

©Sam Gracey

Penny Livingston-Stark is internationally recognized as a prominent permaculture teacher, designer, and speaker. She holds an MS in Eco-Social Regeneration and a Diploma in Permaculture Design. Penny has been studying the Hermetic Tradition of alchemy and herbal medicine making in Europe and the United States for 4 years, and has been apprenticing in Germany and Italy at the Arven School for Medicinal Plants, Aromatherapy and Wilderness Wisdom. She is also on the Advisory Board for Abundant Earth Foundation, the sponsors of the Youth in Permaculture Prize.

With her husband James Stark, and in collaboration with Commonweal — a cancer health research and retreat center — Penny co-manages Commonweal Garden, a 17-acre organic and certified salmon-safe farm in Bolinas, California and is also a founding member of the Natural Building Colloquium.


Simon Constantine started his career in perfumery at Lush, a natural progression for a man who was literally brought up on fragrance and beauty products as the son of two of Lush’s co-founders, Mark and Mo Constantine. He is responsible for buying and sourcing the high quality ingredients and raw materials used across all of Lush’s product ranges. He travels the world setting up co-operatives with local people, ensuring consistent quality, quantity and fairtrade. He is a global champion of permaculture.


Internal judgesMaddy & Tim Harland, founders of Permaculture magazine and Permanent Publications.