Allotment Plotting
Jessie Marcham visits a London community project and finds not only a wildlife sanctuary and productive garden but also a vibrant political statement.
To Bodly Go
Jean Armin returns to a recurrent readers' fascination – the construction of a DIY compost toilet.
The Bunkhouse Garden
Patrick Whitefield describes a garden he designed that has to feed a group of visitors in very specific periods of the year.
The Woodland Renaissance
Tino Rawnsley argues passionately that the wholesale regeneration of coppicing with its allied skills and enterprises is a key to a more sustainable Britain.
The Universal Panel Game
Nick Parsons introduces a DIY system for building a basic solar water heater.
Scythe Matters
Simon Fairlie reports on how Austrian scythes changed his life.
Preparations for a New World
ZEGG is a pioneering ecovillage in Germany. Long term members Dolores Richter and Achim Ecker describe community life there.
Tardis Design
On a beautiful permaculture farm in Dorset is a cleverly designed mobile home, complete with decking and an edible container garden. Aranya describes the evolution of his home.
Love of the Working Woodland
A Poem by Terena Plowright.
Fired with Enthusiam
Rob Hopkins tells us how one humble and initially troublesome bread oven has spawned other community endeavours.
A Tale of Two Plots
Ella and Andy Portman and Pat Foxwell have two rural permaculture smallholdings, which they started almost at the same time. Here they describe the challenges, trials and successes, and the lessons they have learnt, whilst putting permaculture into practice.