Risc Assesment
Jessica Witchell reports on a forest garden high up on the urban roofline that's linking local people with global issues.
Downshifting Back to Front
How Jennie and Ian Lock left their country idyll for a market town and discovered neighbours.
Recharging the Soil
Jane Cobbald offers a taste of the ideas and work of Austrian visionary and inventor, Viktor Schauberger.
Storing Your Surplus, Part 2
Low-tech and effective ways of drying and storing food by Kate McEvoy.
The Tao of Growing
The start of a regular column about the lives of permaculture growers, Ella and Andy Portman.
An American Meadow
How Tom Baugh restored diversity to his meadow in northwest Georgia.
Just Deserts
Monika Frank describes life and work at Sunseed Desert Technology in Spain.
Joined-up Farming
Patrick Whitefield visits a permaculture farm and finds how 40 acres of pasture has been transformed into a thriving polyculture.
Arthouse Outhouse
Graham Burnett conquers a childhood fear and turns a pongy problem into a sagacious solution.
Welcome to the World
How reader, Caroline Davies, and friends welcomed baby Ciaran into the world with a special ceremony, the Blessingway.
Gardening the Unusual
Future Foods guru, Simon Hickmott, describes a lettuce whose leaves you definitely don't want to eat and one of the last crops of the Incas.
Esoteric Agriculture
Alanna Moore explains how esoteric understandings and practices can restore degraded landscapes and improve fertility and yields.