Urban Self-reliance
Chris Southall describes his family's journey towards urban eco-living and describes some of his low cost permaculture projects.
Sharing the Journey
Worried about rising fuel prices? Maddy Harland checks out a liftshare scheme that could save you £1,000 a year.
Fire Escape Gardening
PM's Penny Rose describes her rather vertically challenged urban container garden.
Ethical, Green Shoes
In PM56 Georgina-Kate Adams investigated green clothes. Here she checks out green shoes and the PM team tests them for you.
How to Make Home-made Paints
Award winning cob builders, Adam & Katy Weismann, share their low cost recipes for natural paints and finishes.
The Greatest Danger
Deep ecologist and Buddhist scholar, Joanna Macy, urges us to open up to the uncertainty of our times and thereby find our power.
The World Needs Your Passion
Tired of gloomy predictions for our future? Corrina Gordon invites us to follow our heart, the route to an engaged and inspired life.
Permaculture People
Introducing Achim Ecker, who has transformed 14 hectares of a former East German spy base into a peaceful permaculture haven.
Building Sustainability into our DNA
Pooran Desai and Daniel Viliesid describe the development of One Brighton, a pioneering eco-apartment scheme.
Guerilla Gardening
The gentle art of illicit cultivation! Rachel Puddefoot describes how the guerrilla gardening movement is blooming in London.
How to Get Hold of Land
Giles Simon describes how pioneering urban and rural projects have got hold of land at well below market value.
Ecovillages Move into the Mainstream
What are ecovillages for and are they moving towards the mainstream? Jonathan Dawson asks if there has been a sea change.