Message in a Bottle
Christopher and Sheila Cooke and Ludwig Appeltans explore why permaculture can become the next step in our evolutionary development.
Compact Living
Michael Guerra introduces us to a sustainable design idea ... that of living more compactly
Optimise Your Health
Flo Scott applied permaculture thinking to develop a good quality of life.
The Moneyless Manifesto
Mark Boyle describes how we can free ourselves from that ravenous beast – The Economy.
Scavenger Technology
Cathy Ashley takes us on a tour of her permaculture home – an 'evolving' council house on a quest to become a farm!
Wwoofing Around The World
Rebecca Huntley tries her hand at range of jobs on organic farms and gardens, while travelling on a budget.
Incan Agriculture Revisited
Matthew Seal and Julie Bruton-Seal take an excursion into the ancient Andean agriculture of the Incas.
Permanent Horticulture
Deano Martin experiments with John Jeavons' biointensive growing methods and other aspects of permanent horticulture.
Making a Solar Food Dryer
John Adams describes how he made a solar food dehydrator and how it performed in a less than typical British summer.
Successfully Dealing with Drought
Peppi Gauci describes a permaculture project in Malta that has transformed a windswept arid landscape into an abundant oasis.
Feed the World
Patrick Whitefield looks at whether permaculture can feed the world whilst reducing our use of fossil fuel derived pesticides and fertilisers.
Why Permaculture Needs Design
Aranya explains why design is central to permaculture and how it enables us to consciously create more harmonious, low impact lives.
Reforesting the World
WeForest are planting over 150 million trees to lock up carbon and create food forests for indigenous peoples
DIY Solar Electric Bikes
Michel Daniek explains how to transform your humble steed into a solar powered electric bike.
Peoplecare Skills
Looby Macnamara focuses on how our biggest challenge is also our greatest opportunity.
Permaculture in Prisons
Nicole Vosper shares her unusual pathway to learning permaculture design – in jail – and reports on projects in both the UK and USA that transform lives.
Another Politics is Possible
Maddy Harland meets Britain's only Green Member of Parliament to find out why she thinks political engagement is not only worth-while but a natural extension of being green.
Tale of Transition in Ten Objects
Rob Hopkins tells the story of the evolving Transition movement – a shooting star pointing to a better way of living on this planet.
The Power of International Law to Create the New World
Maddy Harland meets Polly Higgins a barrister who is campaigning for the United Nations to adopt an additional crime against peace: Ecocide.
Growing With Grace
Annie Neligan describes how an innovative community growing project is reinventing itself to survive the harsh economic climate.
How Britain Can Feed Itself
Craig Embleton investigates how much organic food could be produced in UK gardens and the environmental benefits that this would bring.
Rethinking, Redesigning and Rebuilding the Future
Round-the-world yachtswoman, Dame Ellen MacArthur talks to Permaculture's Maddy Harland about why she's changed tack.
Designing and Planting a Permaculture Potager
Vera Greutink-Ichova shows how permaculture growing can be both productive and beautiful.
How to Turn Wood into Business
How one man changed the face of wood recycling in Britain, a report by Stuart Anderson.