In The City
Patrick Whitefield Investigates city life from a Permaculturist's perspective.
An Island in Commuterville
Michael Guerra uses Permaculture Design in Suburban Hertfordshire.
Putting our Houses in Order
David Watkins, author of 'Urban Permaculture', takes a look at cleaning up our acts in the home.
Tropical Forest Gardens & Ourselves
Robert Hart.
Tir Penrhos Isaf
Chris Dixon on Permaculture Design in Snowdonia.
Good King Henry
Mark Burton tells us about Poor Man's Asparagus.
Spirit of Permaculture
Extracts from Graham Bell's lecture, entitled 'What is Permaculture?'.
Permaculture Design for the Body Shop
Project designer, Chris Hoppe writes about how Anita Roddick's company used Permaculture Design at their head office as part of the Child Development Centre.
A Shadow on the East
Oliver Arditi observes the ominous changes in the soils of East Anglia.