Forest Gardening: A Healing Vision
Robert A. de J. Hart presents part of the comprehensive answer which permaculture puts forward to the problems of industrial blight.
Forest Farming in Spain
Ruth Bond relates her experiences after three years of helping Rory Corcoran on his forest farm in the mountains of Malaga in Southern Spain.
Ryton's Forest Garden
Jane Powell writes about a collaboration between the Henry Doubleday Research Association (HDRA) and the Permaculture Association at 10 acres of demonstration gardens near Coventry.
Recycling and Beyond
Richard Boden looks at those first steps towards a sustainable community.
Broadscale Permaculture Realities
Matt Dunwell from Ragman's Lane Farm explains why permaculture farming is different from back yard permaculture.
Incredible Edible Cities
Tony Garnet of the National Food Alliance reports on a growing trend in British cities.
The Indoor Garden
Elaine Bruce explains how we can all grow an abundance of high quality, enzyme packed plant food, to harvest freshly all the year round – indoors.
An Edible Urban Garden
Judith Hanna tells the story of how she turned a neglected plot into a productive permaculture garden.
No-garden Gardening
Even if you do not have a garden it is still possible to grow food – windows, window boxes, balconies, walls and even cupboards can all provide culinary abundance. David Watkins explores some of the possibilities open to the no-garden gardener.
Simon Eeles proposes an alternative solution to building from scratch, using existing structures and resources.
House of the Future
A design outline by James Clarke.
Biodiversity & the Heritage Seed Programme
By Dr Jeremy Cherfas.
Poultry in the Garden
Paul & Judith Otto.
A Special Harvest
Hilary Armstrong tells us about a Community Forest Garden in the Heart of London.
Twin-vault Composting Toilet Design
Peter Harper & Dave Thorpe.
Dad's Peach
Andy Waterman explians how a peach tree grown from a stone, went on to produce 150+ pounds of fruit per year.
A Permaculture Woodland
Ben Law on implementing a permaculture woodland design.
Tubes: Good or Bad?
Are tree protection tubes worth while? Ben Law.
Permaculture Land
Planing for a Creative Future by Tony Wrench.
Designing a Vision
Andy Langford explores the Springfield Community Gardens Project in Bradford.
Ben Law writes about the idea of a self-contained vessel capable of sustaining human life and Michael Reynolds' solutions for a sustainable living.
The Adventures of a Natural Agriculturist
Graham Lang writes about seven years of trial and error on a natural agricultural allotment.
Burgess Park, London
A Permaculture Design commended in a national competition by David Gale, Ian Snowden and Jennifer Greenway.
Michael Brisbane gives us a taste of the growing methods and many uses of this Jungle Giant.