Risc Assesment
Jessica Witchell reports on a forest garden high up on the urban roofline that's linking local people with global issues.
Downshifting Back to Front
How Jennie and Ian Lock left their country idyll for a market town and discovered neighbours.
Recharging the Soil
Jane Cobbald offers a taste of the ideas and work of Austrian visionary and inventor, Viktor Schauberger.
10 Years After
Michael Guerra reviews a decade of living and growing on the urban edge.
Creating Ceremony
Ideas and stories from Glennie Kindred and Lu Garner about how to contact the sacred in our lives.
Making a Splash!
Paul Wagland reports on two natural swimming pools recently installed by Michael Littlewood.
Just Listen
Leah Green describes how the art of compassionate listening has begun to heal wounds in the Middle East when no reconciliation seemed possible.
Seedless Grapes for Cool Climates
Avid grape collector, Brian Edwards, invited his friends to a tasting and shares the results with us.
Healthy Relationships in the Garden
Dr Mark Fisher introduces companion planting and describes how to plant guilds for healthy, robust gardens and farms.
Serendipity & the Art of Acquisition
Liam Rooney tells us how good fortune and community spirit transformed a bramble plot into his personal paradise garden.
Planting a New Woodland: Part 1
Patrick Whitefield takes a look at what to consider when designing and planting a wood.
Building with Straw Bales: Part 1
Barbara Jones gives a detailed appraisal of straw bale building in a damp climate.
Simple Ways to Reduce Your Eco-footprint... even in a city
Judith Hanna tells us how she fits permaculture into a normal, busy, London-based life without donning sackcloth.
The Art of Permaculture Gardening
How to design a healthy, robust and productive garden with Patrick Whitefield.
Eco Centricity
Max Lindegger describes how a model ecocentre was built at Crystal Waters Village.
The Art of Permaculture Gardening
Patrick white introduces the art of low maintenance, highly productive polycultures.
Transports of Delight
David Henshaw explores an exiting range of alternatives to the car.
Not a Rib to Spare in the Garden of Eden
Sculptor and low impact builder, Jack Everett, describes a very special shelter he built at the Eden Project, Cornwall.
When Permaculture Strikes
Patrick Whitefield tells you how to get started and permaculture your life – even if you don't have a garden.
A Share of the Earth
Hellen Trussell describes her life on a Scottish organic farm which runs a successful Community Supported Agriculture scheme.
Growing Grapes Outdoors
Fruit artisan, Clive Simms, gives advice on how to grow and prune healthy, hardy grapes for the table.
Michael Littlewood reports on British examples of economically viable, ecologically and socially sound farming.
Gardening a Community
Dr Paul Benham describes the transformation of bare fields into a thriving market garden and educational centre in Wales.
Living Amongst the Trees
Dan Mills reports on a low impact, sustainable living and educational project in a Devon Community woodland.