Permaculture – The Next Generation
Teenager, Huw Richards, wants to see kids studying and practising permaculture. He discovered it by chance, but doesn't want others to rely on luck.
Why Diversity is Important in Permaculture
Bestselling author and activist, Starhawk, explores the vital role of diversity within communities and in the struggle for social justice.
'The Peculiar People'
Graham Burnett describes how he was invited to 'exhibit' a permaculture garden in a prestigious art gallery as part of an exhibition celebrating Radical Essex.
Be The Change, Be Like Soil
Millions of lifeforms in the soil create a much bigger, important 'whole'. Neil Kingsnorth explores how we can take inspiration from this when facing the challenges of today.
Agroforestry – Transforming Whole Landscapes and Livelihoods
Anthony Melville describes the benefits of alley cropping in agroforestry in the wet tropics to prevent floods, protect from drought and grow mulch, fertility and food.
10 Things You Can Do To Change the World!
We asked celebrated activist, rainforest campaigner and 'solutionologist', Nicola Peel, how to make a real difference. Do you do them all?!
Setting Up a Cider Co-op
Jackie Burgoyne tells the story of her local Dorset cider co-op and explains how to set up your own.
Zen in the Art of Permaculture Design
Stefan Geyer explores systems thinking, and how nothing can exist on its own.
A Castle City Garden for Climbers
Ida Fabrizio shares how she helped transformed a derelict urban space into a flourishing forest garden for the Castle Climbing Centre and local community.
Bill Mollison
Celebrating the life of Bill Mollison, the Father of Permaculture.
Earth Restoration Peace Camps
International filmmaker, John D. Liu, explains how eco settlements can train people to regenerate landscapes and communities anywhere in the world.
From Trash to Treasure
Rozie Apps explores the student-led movement that is cleaning up university campuses through zero-waste recycling projects.
Insulating Old Houses
Mukti Mitchell explains the most important con-siderations when renovating old houses and how to reduce fuel bills.
The Soil Rich, Pest Free Garden
Rebuilding Street Kid's Lives
Anna Kerby and Nicola Sansom tell how former street children built their own recycled classroom from plastic bottles.
Top tips for PC courses
Last year Delvin Solkinson, Annaliese Hordern and friends went on an unforgettable 'pilgrimage' to learn from some of the world's most reputable teachers. Here are their top tips for taking courses.